

英漢字典: run over

1. overflow溢出

    The river is running over its banks and we shall be flooded. 河水正在漫過河岸,我們就要受淹了。

    Someone must have left the tap on,for the water was running over and flooding the bathroom. 一定是有人忘了關水龍頭,水都溢出來了,浴室裡盡是水。

2. knock down and pass over with a moving vehicle(車輛)輾過

    Go slower ;you might run over those children playing on the road. 慢點兒!當心壓了在路上玩耍的孩子。

    The motorist admitted that he ran over a woman on a pedestrian crossing. 開車人承認他的車子在人行橫道上壓過一位婦女。

3. repeat for practice; go over(a subject)cursorily 溫習;扼要復述Just run over the notes before the examination. 考前把筆記復習一下。

    I 've explained the subject pretty fully;now I'll run over the main points again. 對于這個問題,我已經做了相當詳盡的解釋,現在我將重復一下要點。

    During the lunch hour,Mary ran over her history facts so she would remember them for the test. 午餐時瑪麗匆匆地把歷史筆記復習了一下,以便考試時記住。

4. visit briefly 短暫串門

    She ran over to her neighbour's to borrow some milk. 她到鄰居家去借些牛奶。

    He often runs over to my office to talk about his work. 他常來我辦公室談他的工作。

5. go beyond;exceed a limit超過;超出限度

    I'm afraid time is running over ;we'll have to end it now. 時間快要到了,我們該收工了。

    His speech ran over the time limit. 他的講話超過了規定的時間。

    The amount collected in taxes ran over the estimate. 收的稅金超出了預算。

6. play (a tape, etc. )放(磁帶)

    He ran the tape over again and again and listened carefully. 他一遍又一遍放磁帶並仔細聽著。

    run short be in short supply;not have enough缺少;不足

    The world is gradually running short of oil. 世界上的石油正越來越少。

    Drinking water was running short before the voyage was over. 飲用水在航海完成之前就用完了。

    run the risk of be open to danger;put oneself in danger易遭危險;冒險;使自己身處險境

    A baseball umpire wears a mask and chest protector so he won't run the risk of being hit by the ball. 棒球裁判戴著面具和胸護,以免遭球擊。

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